Tuesday, October 31, 2006

What I Think...

I was thinking the other day that I've never just come out and said what I think about some of the hot button issues that are tossed around here and there. These might not come as a surprise to some of you but here we go.....

I think that we are suffering through the worst government-president, congress, and supreme court-that this country has ever had. Our president is an idiot who's more worried about his own already irrepairable legacy than the good of the people of his country. Our congress spends so much time campaigning nothing ever gets done. The republicans are arrogant blowhards who threw ethics out the window and the democrats are too chicken, disorganized and divided to do anything about it. The supreme court is a group of 90 year old white men who could not be more out of touch with the people they serve. We are in bad shape people, and I don't know how long it's going to take to fix it.

There is no logical, ethical, religious, politcal, economical, or social argument against gay marriage. It's just stupid. Being anti-gay marriage just doesn't make any sense.

I believe that abortion should be legal. In the cases of underage patients, I agree that parental consent should be required. Excluding cases of, God forbid, rape or insest, I ALSO believe that both parents should have consent over the decision. Being pro-choice, I also must say that personally I would not choose to give my consent if faced with that situation. Never say never, but I'd have a really hard time making that decision.

I believe creationism should never be taught in schools, UNLESS all religious theories of creation are also taught.

I believe that stem-cell research can offer many great things to our world. Unused embryos are thrown away by the thousands on a daily basis. If those could be used to help cure Parkinson's or MS, why would ANYONE be against it.

Seminary does not prepare you for a life in ministry. Life in ministry prepares you for a life in ministry.

There is something wrong with driving a car you don't need, living in a house with more space than you need, having more or more expensive clothes than you need. There is something WRONG with it. Putting a Jesus fish on your Lexus doesn't mean a thing when kids in Africa are starving to death, when people in KC don't have homes or jobs or schools. NO ONE needs a car more than 35,000 bucks.

Plagerism is the heart and soul of art. There is nothing that can be played, sung, written, painted, sculpted, photographed that hasn't been done already. There is no guitar lick that Jimi Hendrix didn't play, no chord progression that Paul McCartney hasn't done. Plagerism is necessary for art to exsist.

I think that all images, representations, and symbols of religion should be removed from all government property. Reason, justice and democracy should be the basis for any gonvernment. Never something as subjective as religion.

The WNBA is not as exciting as the NBA because women can't run as fast, jump as high, or play as well as the men.

Oh, yeah, and I believe that children are our future, treat them well....

Comments welcome, other topics you want to know where I stand, just ask.

That's it for now...Heal the World, Brad

Thursday, October 26, 2006


Sitting on the dock, I expect the stars to rearrange themselves and say "Brad, this is your mission..." I wait for the Lady of the Lake of the Ozarks to rise from the water and hand me either a Bible or some drum sticks.

Of course, nothing happens. I sit on the dock with my wood tip cigars and a bottle of wine, wondering what the hell I'm gonna be when I grow up. And nothing happens.

Well, I've come to a decision anyway. Inspired by my brother's recent blogs concerning the ordination papers, I have thought about this in essay form since I might have to write one anyway someday.

I'm going to take a part-time senior pastor position, stay in KC and finish school. I'm going to do this for four reasons.
1. The reasons I don't fit in within the church are the very things I want to change about the church. They are the very things that millions of young adults find wrong with the church. I want to change the church, or at least have a part in changing the church, to make the church (buzzword alert) relevant. Young adults aren't mad at the church, it's not that they don't believe in God, or have any overt disdain for the church. They just don't care. And, honestly, there's not much for them to care about. I want to be a part of the changing of the church, and not in the role of a lay leader...from within.
2. I'm good. Let's just throw modesty to the wind for a second...I'm good. You give me a Bible verse and a time of year and I can give an impromtu sermon that'll leave you in tears. I talk good. But it's not just that I can string some pretty words together that kind of make sense, I can read people. I know when "Fine" is EXACTLY how people are feeling and I know when there's more to the story. I can pretty much guess what makes a person tick within a few minutes of conversation. I can't deny these gifts. And, I can't go on the rest of my life wanting to preach again. I love preaching, coming up with an idea, delivering something from my heart to their heart, I love it. And, I'm good. I am the Rev.
3. What does it say about me as a man and as a person if I simply give up after one bad experience? When things get hard, you don't just tuck tail and run away whimpering. I've never thought that and I'd never teach that. If you fall off, you get back on, and if you fall off again, you get back on, and if you fall off again...well, then maybe its time to try something else. But one bad album (No Code-Pearl Jam) doesn't define a band's lifespan (Ten, VS, Vitalogy, Yeild, Binarual, Riot, Pearl Jam-Pearl Jam). And one bad fit at a church won't define mine.
4. There's a reason that the fourth reason is fourth. It's the least important, but it's still a reason.(Kind of like the WNBA of reasons-eh, Mustoe?) It's a good job, and, right now, it seems to be the only GARAUNTEED job around. None of the churches I talked about with Steve are a step back and most of them are a step up. Pay check, benefits, housing, I'd get to keep my place, and I'd get to do what I love. I'm never, NEVER, going to find a job where I don't have to sacrifice something to be able to do something I love. As I told mom, if I were a postman, I'd get to listen to music all day...but, I'd have to walk. So, being a preacher is a good job. I don't know how good it is when you're not living on your own with no family to support. But, right now, 30,000 sounds like a hell of a lot of money.

So, there you have it. I'm staying in the game and I feel good about it. I'm going to find my place in "the life", or I'm going to make it. Steve tells me of a young man about thirty years ago who didn't feel like he fit the mold of pastor, who had some pretty outspoken feelings about the church and the nation, and who found his way to become a great pastor and be authentically and genuinally himself. I wonder who that could be.

I don't say that to bring up the whole "legacy" issue. I'm just saying, it's been done before and that gives me hope.

Thanks for your prayers and thoughts and wishes. My last day at Central is Sunday, Dec. 31st 2006. Oh, and by the way, I'm preaching that Sunday, you might not want to miss it!

Love, Grace, Peace

Sunday, October 22, 2006


Spending some time away this week. And I do mean away...no cell phone, no computer, no homework, no dog. Just me, thoughts and the lake.

Just wanted to let you know that I won't be in touch for awhile. Actually, my cell phone will be in my car, I just won't answer. I'll check messages every night in case of emergency.

Unless you stumbled by this blog on accident, I love you all and am strengthen by your faith, love and support.

Wish me luck,

Sunday, October 15, 2006

It's Official...

Well, friends and neighbors, it's official. As of January 1st, 2007, I am no longer Associate Pastor at Central United Methodist Church. Met w/ Staff Parish Relations today.

Honestly, I have no idea what I'm going to do next. Yes, I put in an application at a record store for assisstant manager. But, that was spur of the moment.

I love preaching. I'm good at it. I'm just not good at any of the rest of it. I live for the Sunday mornings that I get to lead the service, I get to plan the experience, and I get to deliver the message. However, I can't just go to another church, put on the suit and the robe and pretend to be that guy. I am not that guy. If I can find a church where I can preach and be pastor AND be me-t-shirt/jeans/sandals/guitar/Beatles/Metallica/Tarantino/week-0ld-beard-then maybe, MAYBE, I could see myself living the life.

I know that I can't put on the robe and pretend. It's not fair to the church nor me nor God.

On the other side, I would be perfectly happy working in a cd store, listening to music all day, sharing music all day, stocking music all day, and playing music all night. I would do this in a second, if not for two things:
1. I gotta get pizaid-I don't know how realistic it would be to hope to make a living working in a music store.
2. There's this nasty, pesky little thing called CALLING. As Mustoe said, I don't want to pull a Jonah, or for that matter, an Andy (7 years as Presbyterian chior director) or Jim (public health degree and social worker), all of whom tried to get away from the CALL and just when they thought they were out, they pulled them back in.

So, I really have no idea what's going to happen. All I know is...I'm going to be ok. I have the love of an amazing family behind no matter what happens. I have the love of an amazing woman, who will love and support and respect me no matter what happens. I have the love of my bro-bros, and my sis-sis's (just sounds like sssssss when you say it), great friends that will always be great friends. And, I have the love of God, who IS LOVE!

As long as I have all those things, nothing else matters. No paycheck, no job, no career, will ever replace or ever be as important.

This too shall pass-Donutman
Everything's gonna be alright-Bob Marley
There will be an answer, let it be-John, Paul, George, Ringo

Peace, B

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Balance to the Force

Things I love:
1. My family, first and foremost, always and everywhere.
2. Vee. Especially now, you give me the courage to reach for my dreams and the security of knowing that if I don't get there, you'll still be proud of me.
3. Ice cream, but come on, who doesn't? I'm a cookie dough man myself. Anything with bite size pieces of uncooked cookie is just fine in my book. Nothing fruity either, or frozen yogurt. Anyone who tries to make something better by making it more healthy is missing the point.
4. Music. Seriously. Music is the window to the soul, an expression of everything that is beautiful and everything that is ugly. There's more truth and wisdom in Bob Marley's Redemption Song than most sermon's I've ever heard. (Granted I haven't heard my dad in a while and never heard my brother) I hope that in the coming weeks and months, music takes a more prominant role in my life, because I can't live without it. Music isn't a lving, music is life. Music may be the purpose I'm looking for. So, again, I encourage all of you. Go hear live music, support local bands and music stores and radio stations, spend time at a record store that let's you listen to stuff, always look for something new and exciting, don't listen to stuff THEY tell you to, pastors-read Rolling Stone, if you don't know who the Flaming Lips are you're going to have trouble getting young adults excited about your sermons, go to a music festival-nothing compares to 20 bands playing the same event, and most of all, keep your ears open.
5. My crazy dog. She's always there and always excited to see me. She's a lousey alternative, but when Vee can't give me a hug, giving Fee a stroke on the head right now helps calm my mind a little bit.
6. Old friends. The friends you don't have to stay in touch with to pick up right where you left off everytime. Mustoe, Sarah, Calds, Dru, Tyler, Jeff, Jaclyn, Bates. My life would be nothing without them.
7. Talking about, thinking about, studying about, this mysterious thing we call God. We will never understand, we will never fully know. God is the ocean and our knowledge is a raindrop of experience. But I love the search, the journey.
8. Drumming. Nothing makes me more at peace, more in touch with my emotions, more at one with the world. Drumming is my transendental meditation.
9. My prenatal nephew. Little Elvis isn't even hear yet, and I know the joy and love and light that he will bring into our lives.
10. Fall. Finally, I don't sweat brushing my teeth in the morning.

So, I can't write as much about what I love than what I hate. But, when you love something, words just seem to feel inadequate.

Peace, B

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Position is Everything

Holy crap! I'm writing this blog from MY OWN COUCH! I'm never getting up from this spot.

Good Ol' Fashioned Rantin'

Things I hate:
1. Geraldo. This has got to be one of the most self-important, self-appointed blowhards out there. Rivera, shut up!
2. Celebrities involved in politics. Because you had the opportunity, doesn't mean you have the right. We don't care what you have to say, we just want to be entertained. That's why you exist. Dance monkey.
3. Captain students. Today more than ever. Yesterday we had a "I don't know what this has to do with the conversation but..." and a "I have to correct you on that Dr. Randolph (PHD in Ethics)". People, just shut up and listen to the teacher. We don't care about your trip to China, we don't care about your degree in education. Everybody knows pedagogy, not anthrogogy, means teaching. Just shut your mouth.
4. Drug commercials. If you needed anymore proof that the drug companies main goal is to SELL YOU A PRODUCT not make you better or heal the world or anything with any small thread of moral fiber, just watch primetime-midnight TV. I'm going to go ahead and say every other commercial is trying to get you to use some drug. And as the night gets on, when I usually watch TV, guess what happens. Sleeping pills come on the tv to tell you how their narcotic can put the sugar plums in your head. Everybody knows the prescription for most good health: eat fresh, clean, good foods and get off your ass and take a walk. Stop dealing drugs on my TV.
5. DJ's who think they're coordinators. Sunday, my bro and friends and I played the opening music for the Crop Walk and BJ the DJ comes in and thinks he's Bob Costas, DJ Jazzy Jeff, and Leonard Berstein all rolled into one.
6. Teachers who think their scatterbrained nature is cute and charming when in reality it is the most annoying and impossibly aggrevating thing in the world. When your personality gets in the way of your students learning, it may be time to step aside. Got a test next week. Do I know what's gonna be on it? Of course not. Do I know what format it's gonna take? No way, Jorge. Do I know what to spend my time studying? ha ha.
7. Guys in pop bands that head bang. Nickelback, the WNBA of rock, I'm looking at you. Actually, last night on Craig, Say Anything played through a song with no distortion, no guitar solo, really pretty good pop song. But they were shaking and girating and punching themselves like the best Slipknot fan. If you can't play the lead solo in Slayer's Hell Awaits, you can't head bang. Stop trying to turn your little Peggy Sue song into Iron Man, you can't.
8. Pidgeons. No real reason, just hate pidgeons.
9. People who try to prove how eclectic they are by listening to everything the radio or Rolling Stone says is avant gaurde or hip or indie or underground. Yes, we all love Radiohead. Yes, that Gnarls Barkley song is different (not good, just different). Yes, Dwezil Zappa's new side project is gonna be killer. Just like what you like. Own it. Stand up for it. Stop being a robot. Emancipate yourself from mental slavery.
10. Indecision and Indigestion


Tuesday, October 10, 2006

A Loss for Words

Hey everybody,
I'm sorry I've been kinda quiet lately. Things are pretty crazy right now. Some of you know, some of you don't. But, it's midterms at school and there's stuff with my job (and my life) that really put me at a loss for words. It's gonna be a rough couple of months. I'll try to drop a line when I can, or when something comes to mind.

Peace, B

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

By the Way

Rest assured about my spending precious class time to create a web site.

1. No one else in the class, I took a survey last night, has ANY idea what the class is about either.

2. I got a 93 1/2 out of 100 on my first Greek test. I even got a personal congratulations from the great and fearsome Warren Carter, although I suspect it was out of surprise. But, anyway, I got an A!


The Scarlet H

For Hypocrit.

If you look to the right, you'll see a little myspace logo in the link section.

If you look down a few entries, you'll see a rant about the dangers and evils of myspace.

So, strap that big fat red H on my chest, 'cause Brad's got a MySpace page!

Honestly, my friends don't e-mail me and myspace is the only way to keep up with them. And, having wireless internet in the classroom, throw in a disturbingly and impossibly scatterbrained teacher (seriously, I have no idea what this class is about, but I have a paper due in a month) and you get the recipe for Brad's myspace. That's right, I set it up in class (sorry, Mom).

So, do check out my MySpace page, if you want to. I promise this will not affect Bustle in your Hedgerow; I know how dependent all of you are on my words of wisdom and wit to get through your day.

Peace, B

Monday, October 02, 2006

Truth and Purpose

Last weekend, I saw a movie called Down in the Valley. Go rent it, tonight. It stars Edward Norton, who could pretty much vomit in a box and I would think it genius, as a dillusional young cowboy. There are two points in this movie that I want to talk about.

1. In a scene where everlasting supporting actor tough guy David Morse is talking with his possible adopted son, Rory Culkin, the discussion comes to rest on the sister's "gumption".
The gruff father figure said the gumption, spirit, vigor, was necessary to get through this life.
Macully's little brother said, "The meek shall inherit the earth," meekly. Dad: "Where'd you get that b***s***?" The kid's answer? Not what you might think.

He studies the bottoms of his shoes and says, "On TV."

This is a startling reminder to me, and most of those who surround my life, that not everybody knows that Mark was written first, and not by a guy named Mark, that Luke and Acts were written by the same guy, also not named Luke, that Revelation was written on an island of Greece called Patmos.

But, what I really want to talk about is the question, where does our truth come from? Where do we get our truth these days? I think little brother was right. Television, magazines, newspapers....the media. think about it. How do we know what's going on in the world, what to buy, who to vote for? We know because the TV tells us to know. And like John Mayer says, "When you trust your television, what you get is what you got...'cause when they own the information...they can bend it all they want."

There is truth in this world and doesn't come from TV. It doesn't come from the Bible, either. Or the Quran, or the Vedas. It's in those books BECAUSE it's truth, not the other way around.
It's when we think of it the other way around, that are true BECAUSE they're in the Bible, or we get our truth from TV, it's then that all Arab people become Islamofascists and all Americans become Neocon-Fundy-Bill O'riely watching fatcats. The truth is out there, trust it.

2. The second (Lindsey just gave me a third, so bare with me) part of this movie I want to talk about is purpose. Sitting under an oak tree, watching his girl swing on an old rope swing, Ed Norton says, "Do you think everything has a purpose? I been sitting here thinking about the purpose of that branch. It might be cut down and give some family a nice piece of furniture...it might be there to have a swing tied to it...it might just be there to balance the tree so it don't fall over. I lean towards the swing. Sitting here, watching you up in it, I think I'm right."

I've been thinking a lot about purpose lately and I think the answer to Ed's unintentional riddle is all of the above. I think purpose can change. I think someone's purpose at 16 is not his purpose at 24, 35, 50, 80. Just like the branch's purpose right now is to be a swing and balance the tree, it CAN AND WILL change, it will be a chair or firewood or a guitar or simply turn back into dirt so more trees can grow. Purpose is ever evolving, ever changing. Maybe our purpose is to change. To not stay dormant for too long.

3. The thing Lynz reminded me of, and that I have not reflected on yet, is one line. Ed Norton, "You know you're speaking in your true voice, from your true heart, is that you don't hear any other voices in your head when you're talking." Imagine. I can't right now. It's too loud in there.

Asalam Aleykum, Peace,