Wednesday, September 21, 2005

The Problem with Blogging

I suppose its time for the four of you who read my ramblings here on Zepplin Rules to get a little bit of justification in coming to visit me. I thank you for being interested in what I have to say, even though, as mother says, its the only way to really know how I'm thinking.

Here's the problem: I only have access to the internet at work. This problem in twofold.
1. I'm only at work for 5 hours a day every other day. There's this little thing called ministry that I've got to get done when I'm actually here. In charge of planning youth, organizing young adult ministries, safe sanctuaries training, and lots of other things keeps my hand off the keyboard.
2. When I'm at work, I'm usuallynot in a very insightful mood. I'm usually tired (I'm tired all the time now, I haven't figured out how to get my reading done without staying up til 2 am yet) and I've usually got my mind on work, not on theological, political, or personal themes.

So, thanks for sticking by me, and come by every once in a while. If I had access to the WWW at home, I'd happily participate in the Doogie Howser end of the day journaling, but, alas, I do not. What you see is what you get.....

thanks for understanding,

ps: I'm still doing really well. Lindsey gets back this Sunday and I'm preaching that morning...big day! I'm happy, folks, and looking forward to what's in store for me around the corner!

Friday, September 09, 2005

And Then There Was Brad....

Well, I'm the last.
Tyler Obanion got engaged Wednesday night at the Dave Matthews concert to his 3 year girlfriend Hilary (who happens to be 27!). Thus, I'm the last. The last of Schweitzer Youth Group class of '00.
I'm really not too worried about this, just something that's on my mind since I got to see them yesterday.

I am amazed at my Hebrew Bible class already. The amazing thing is, and I sort of figured this before, the lack of knowledge of the original Old Testament. Nothing complete, different versions don't match up, some Hebrew we don't even know what means! Chances are Jesus used a PARAPHRASED version written in his Aramaic! If Jesus used a paraphrased edition of the Bible, how off must our version be from God's original plan. And all the different ways to translate one word or simply think about one word.

For example, when Jesus tells Simon Peter to throw his nets on the other side and the other fisherman come and help, it says that THEY left everything and followed Him. Well, depending on how you read they, Simon Peter, James and John, or all the fisherman that helped, either three people went with Jesus or 25 people went with Jesus. It changes the whole feel of the story.

God, help us to see your original plan and voice in our lives, help us to use, read, study and preach your Word from a critical, healthy place, and please, take all the asses who use your Word for their own glory and put them out on an island somewhere where they can't talk to anyone and ruin Christianity for anyone else!!

Growing and Happy,

Friday, September 02, 2005

New Chapter in Book of Brad

Hey all,
Sorry for the long absence. Been busy and not all that inspired.

But now begins a new chapter in the book of Brad. My first week at St. Paul School of Theology is behind me and I couldn't be more excited. I have a pretty normal first year schedule with Intro to Hebrew Bible, Ministry, and Christian Traditions. I have an Episcopal preist who will be in Chicago half the time, a Methodist who made us contemplate the meaning of a bent paper cup, and an Eastern Orthodox nun who knows all there is to know about history but absolutely nothing about humor or spicing up lectures. I have already heard things that make me think in a way i've never thought before, and I've only had one class. That's the most exciting thing for me; I'm still not too happy about actually being in class again, having to read 400 pages a week, or writing papers again, but hearing things I've never heard before that challenge my relationship with God and strengthen my ministry make it all worth while. Suprisingly (or maybe not) I haven't had too much "Your Jim's son, right?" or "Aren't you Andy's brother?" (to which I respond politely, NO, he's my brother). It's not really like I was expecting this, or dreading it, but it's nice that so far people are seemingly seeing me as me, not as a BRYAN. I am ready for the challenge, and excited for the journey.

I've had a real good month. Bills that I thought I'd have to pay (and didn't have the money for), we're cancelled. I got to see Mustoe and Tom Gibson from SPFD. Went to the circus and the zoo within the span of three days and in between saw Jack Johnson in concert (Mom, looking for more "contemporary adult music" check this guy out). The best part about my month, however, is that I've spent it getting to know a young woman that I'm starting to care about very much. She's going to be a great friend, no matter what. I know there are many people with much harder problems than I in this world, but being a 23 yr old, single, pastor, is not an easy place to be. And I know you all can't really help me out, since you had your ladies before the whole ministry thing started. Just know that it's weird. Lindsey doesn't even go to my church and I don't really know what to do...We are dating exclusively (i hate this terminology) but no one in the young adult group or my church knows. I'm really at a loss. I want to talk about her, but don't know how. I want to take her to dinner, but I'm sometimes scared of who'll see us and what it'll mean. It's scary, amazing, hard, easy, all at the same time. What you all should know, is that I'm in a very happy place right now. I love KC, love my church, am going to love school, and have a pretty girl on my arm (not right now of course, she's in Europe for three weeks).

Maybe St. Paul will offer "How to be a minsiter and still like girls" next semester.

As classes continue, my insights will increase and so will my blogging, sorry for the delay,

Riding my bike to church and sweating profusely,