Monday, October 31, 2005

The Purpose of Blogging

Before I continue in this endevor I must explain how I see the purpose of blogging. Blogging is, to me, a way to get everything out of me that I have no way of getting out in the real world. This means that my blog will be made up of rants, complaints, and various things that I find wrong with the world we live in. I don't offer any explanations or solutions, I am merely expressing my thoughts. I appreciate the feedback, and understand that others are using their online journaling experience in somewhat of a more positive outlet, including the good and the bad. But not me. Mine's just bad. And, ya know what, it's actually helping. Those of you who know me personally know that I'm somewhat of a negative person; some might say pessimist, others might say asshole, but whatever the title I can tend to be on the down side of things. Since I've been posting my rants and lamentations, I have found myself being more positive and, really, happy offline! So, I'm sorry to the Jews for Jesus, I'm sorry for the musicians trying to make money AND good records. But, if I say it online, I won't say it offline. So, continue visiting to hear my commentaries, mostly negative, sometimes funny, on the world we live in as it comes to me. If you're looking for inspiration, come hear me preach on Nov. the 27th at Central UMC. Cause it ain't here brother!

Negatively, rantingly, and most of all, honestly yours,

Ranting Explanation

Ok, I should explain. I don't know anything about Jews for Jesus. I don't know any Jews for Jesus. I was simply responding to the feelings expressed by a Jewish woman I had talked to earlier that day. I'm sure Jews for Jesus are wonderful people and experience deep faith connections. I apologize for ranting before I had any info. However, where I stand right now, with the knowledge I have....I really don't get it!


Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Jews for Wishywashyness

I visited a Jewish congreagation today with a group from school, Congregation Benai Jehudah, it was called, and in her opening statements the guide, a wonderful German lady named Birta, was listing the different kinds of Judaism, Traditional, Conservative, and Reform. She then gave us her commentary on the so called Jews for Jesus. She has a big problem with those people saying, "you're either pregnant or you're not pregnant". And, ya know, I totally agree. I tend to be an open minded guy. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that women can be preachers, homosexuals can be happily married, and even Republicans can be Christians. But you can't be a Jew for Jesus!@! It's impossible. On this issue my mind is closed. You either are a Jew, believing in the coming Messiah (the first coming) or the Messianic Age, that we're all living and working towards God's Kingdom on Earth, or you believe that Jesus is the Christ. The Bible says no wishywashyness, I'm paraphrasing of course, and in think this means if you're going to believe in something, believe it all the way. Do not be lukewarm. I'm sure that Jews of Jesus are wonderful people and I don't judge them. But, come on, you're either a Christian or you're not, a Jew or not.

that's all today, B

Friday, October 21, 2005

The Homicide Race

I was watching the news last night and, as is every night, there was a report of another couple of murders here in the greater KC area. As sick as the acts themselves are, what sickened me was the reporting of these horrors. Every news channel has a running tally of how many murders and each night the number climbs and climbs. Now, of course people are going to keep track. City halls, police departments, national crime survey's, what have you. But it seems to me that anytime we start reporting things in terms of numbers, it's like keeping score. We don't keep track of how many years we've been drinking, we count the days we haven't. There is always a sense of pride behind listing numbers. I've got this many cars, this many kids, this many cd's, seen this many concerts, and, oh yeah, had this many murders in my town. I'm so sick from this violence and sicker from the treatment of this violence by our news crews. I know it's there job to simply report and not comment, but there comes a time when the good of human kind has to come before journalistic integrity. Just once I'd like to see the handsome guy on Channel 5, right after saying KC has reached the 100 murder mark, say "and I just think that's horrible, something has to be done people."

You must be the change you seek,

Monday, October 17, 2005

Music Needs a Savior, Too!

So, I don't listen to the radio. I have my cd's and my iPod and have no need to. But I did today and realized why I don't anymore. Music Sucks. Period. Everyone sounds like everyone else. There's no creativity anymore. No one's breaking any new ground.

"KRDL, Kurdle 109, We spoil music for everyone"
"KLON, Klone Radio, We have the songs that sound more like everyone else, than anyone else."

A few selections from my current favorite savior of rock, Josh Homme of Queens of the Stone Age. He really hits on something here, I think. All these wannabe, cry-baby neopunk bands trying to be Green Day sound and look exactly the same. All these I'm better than brittany cause I write my own songs and play an instrument girls sound and look exactly the same. All these gold mouthpiece, unintelligable fake thugs trying to be Dr. Dre sound and look exactly the same.

Gone are the days when music was an artistic expression. Gone are the days when music was used to speak out against injustice, intolerence, and ignorance. Gone are the days when music was anything close to ground breaking and forward looking. Now, it's a business. People become musicians not because they have something to say but because they want to be millionares.

I pray to the gods of rock, send us another Jim Morrison, another John Lennon, another Little Richard, another John Bonham, something, ANYTHING BUT THIS CRAP!!!
And somebody please tell the RollingStones to get off the stage already!

Keep yours ears open, I feel the messiah coming

Hail to the Thief

As things begin to fall apart for our fearful leader, I thought I'd take an opportunity to refer you all to an article on another George in Newsweek last week. George Clooney is tired of liberal being a dirty word and, frankly, so am I. We're not all barefoot, treehugging, anti-administration but pro-big government neo-hippies anymore. And at least we don't have to put loaded words like compassionate in front of our moniker to show that we care about people.

Some people say everything works in a cycle no matter who's in office; that the nation's surplus and balanced budget going to a chaotic tailspin into billions of deficit dollars is noone's fault. It's just the cycle of economy and culture. Alright, maybe. But with the recent insights into this administration's incompetence, I think it's safe to say that it's time for a change. I'm tired of choosing the lesser of two evils and still getting the greater one anyway. Liberal politics needs a savior. We don't need Hilary Clinton, who will get votes just cause she's a she and not because of her qualifications. We don't need John Kerry or his wife's ketchup money. We need someone who's not afraid of being liberal, and who understands that sometimes, like, say when a major part of the country is in disastor and people are losing lives and homes and jobs, politics aren't the answer.

Sometimes I think Martin Sheen and Genna Davis should run for president.
