Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Jews for Wishywashyness

I visited a Jewish congreagation today with a group from school, Congregation Benai Jehudah, it was called, and in her opening statements the guide, a wonderful German lady named Birta, was listing the different kinds of Judaism, Traditional, Conservative, and Reform. She then gave us her commentary on the so called Jews for Jesus. She has a big problem with those people saying, "you're either pregnant or you're not pregnant". And, ya know, I totally agree. I tend to be an open minded guy. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that women can be preachers, homosexuals can be happily married, and even Republicans can be Christians. But you can't be a Jew for Jesus!@! It's impossible. On this issue my mind is closed. You either are a Jew, believing in the coming Messiah (the first coming) or the Messianic Age, that we're all living and working towards God's Kingdom on Earth, or you believe that Jesus is the Christ. The Bible says no wishywashyness, I'm paraphrasing of course, and in think this means if you're going to believe in something, believe it all the way. Do not be lukewarm. I'm sure that Jews of Jesus are wonderful people and I don't judge them. But, come on, you're either a Christian or you're not, a Jew or not.

that's all today, B


Andy B. said...

I know you are opinionated and all, but you crossed a line here, bubba.
I eagerly await reading your posted opinion in which you discuss your opinion of Jews for Jesus AFTER you have actually met and talked with them. Derrogatory, insulting, and mean only begin to describe your comments on this post. At least read their website before your next tirade:
Don't forget that at the very beginning, all of his followers were, in fact, Jews for Jesus.
Andy B.

Adam Caldwell said...

Ummm...I'm gonna have to agree with Andy on this one. I don't know that I would have been as harsh, (i.e. 'Derrogatory, insulting')but I agree with Andy. At the core we are all Jews. Those of us who claim to follow Christ anyway. We may not have been sprouted from the Jewish vine but Paul tells us that we are certainly grafted in to the chosen nation.

I will give you a thumbs up on the humor factor though. I thought it was funny. Maybe that just shows my ignorance as well. ehhh....

Anonymous said...

Well, Brad, I hope you don't allow the rather harsh criticism of Andy B inhibit you. I was actually thinking that you were becoming a bit more gracious than usual when you said that you were sure the Jews for Jesus were nice people. I see that as growth on your part and hope that you will keep on thinking. cb

Adam said...

I can say with confidence I am definately not pregnant.

Adam Caldwell said...

I too can say with conifdence that Mustoe is definately gay.

(perhaps I shouldtn'e use the derrogatory humor but what the heck.)