Monday, October 17, 2005

Music Needs a Savior, Too!

So, I don't listen to the radio. I have my cd's and my iPod and have no need to. But I did today and realized why I don't anymore. Music Sucks. Period. Everyone sounds like everyone else. There's no creativity anymore. No one's breaking any new ground.

"KRDL, Kurdle 109, We spoil music for everyone"
"KLON, Klone Radio, We have the songs that sound more like everyone else, than anyone else."

A few selections from my current favorite savior of rock, Josh Homme of Queens of the Stone Age. He really hits on something here, I think. All these wannabe, cry-baby neopunk bands trying to be Green Day sound and look exactly the same. All these I'm better than brittany cause I write my own songs and play an instrument girls sound and look exactly the same. All these gold mouthpiece, unintelligable fake thugs trying to be Dr. Dre sound and look exactly the same.

Gone are the days when music was an artistic expression. Gone are the days when music was used to speak out against injustice, intolerence, and ignorance. Gone are the days when music was anything close to ground breaking and forward looking. Now, it's a business. People become musicians not because they have something to say but because they want to be millionares.

I pray to the gods of rock, send us another Jim Morrison, another John Lennon, another Little Richard, another John Bonham, something, ANYTHING BUT THIS CRAP!!!
And somebody please tell the RollingStones to get off the stage already!

Keep yours ears open, I feel the messiah coming


Andy B. said...

B, I read some similar remarks on another blog I read. Check this out

- Andy B.
PS - Blogger has a feature that lets you keep off those junk comments.

Anonymous said...

Brad - Thanks for blogging again. If you could only stop holding things in - let it out so we can know how you really feel! Love, Mom

Adam Caldwell said...

I really think that Ashley Simpson is the savior you seek. Have you heard her new album? It rocks!! She even wrote her own songs, least she co-wrote them.