Monday, October 31, 2005

The Purpose of Blogging

Before I continue in this endevor I must explain how I see the purpose of blogging. Blogging is, to me, a way to get everything out of me that I have no way of getting out in the real world. This means that my blog will be made up of rants, complaints, and various things that I find wrong with the world we live in. I don't offer any explanations or solutions, I am merely expressing my thoughts. I appreciate the feedback, and understand that others are using their online journaling experience in somewhat of a more positive outlet, including the good and the bad. But not me. Mine's just bad. And, ya know what, it's actually helping. Those of you who know me personally know that I'm somewhat of a negative person; some might say pessimist, others might say asshole, but whatever the title I can tend to be on the down side of things. Since I've been posting my rants and lamentations, I have found myself being more positive and, really, happy offline! So, I'm sorry to the Jews for Jesus, I'm sorry for the musicians trying to make money AND good records. But, if I say it online, I won't say it offline. So, continue visiting to hear my commentaries, mostly negative, sometimes funny, on the world we live in as it comes to me. If you're looking for inspiration, come hear me preach on Nov. the 27th at Central UMC. Cause it ain't here brother!

Negatively, rantingly, and most of all, honestly yours,

1 comment:

Andy B. said...

What you are talking about here is a great example of why I love this blogging thing so much. Throw an idea out there and see what happens! And if you are unwilling to take some, don't give any! (I'm not saying you are unwilling to take some, don't misunderstand. I'm talking in general.) If you have read any comments on my blog, you know that I have taken some in response to what I have given. On a blog, you can rare back and smack at an idea with all your might, knowing that you may knock it out, you may get slugged back, or you may just whiff.
And Mom, I'm not being harsh on my little brother. I love the guy! When I want to be harsh, you'll know ;)
Chill Out Everyone,
Andy B.