Wednesday, November 02, 2005

What the %@#$?!?

November 2005, United Methodist pastor excommunicates a homosexual member from a congregation, and the Conference supports him!!!!!

Hey United Methodist Church....What the #@$%???

Hey United Methodist Church....the 17th century Catholics and the Puritans called, they want their practices back!!!!

Hey United Methodist Church...Jerry Fallwell and Rev. Fred Phelps called, they say, "good show!"

For another Bryan family reaction, visit

Disgusted, Brad


Andy B. said...

"Hey United Methodist Church....the 17th century Catholics and the Puritans called, they want their practices back!!!!"

Nice line! You kick ass!

Adam Caldwell said...

I'm confused. Why did you use those different symbols? What do they stand for?

sorry...humor is my defense mechanism.

Brad said...

Calds, the computer thought *@$^ was an email address, ya know cause of the @. So answer your question, my new email is either f at ck and h at ll, depending on how upset you are.


Adam Caldwell said...

(hahahahahah...entirely amused...)

What would we do without humor?