Friday, November 04, 2005

If I had a million dollars....

I have to admit, Mcdonalds' gets me everytime. Every year this monopoly game comes along and every year I gain ten pounds in the hopes of winning the one million dollar jackpot. I guess that makes me greedy, I guess that makes me a rube of the capitalists, but so be it.

So, here's what I'd do if I won, no, even better, here's what I'd do with the 340 million powerball jackpot:

1. first and foremost, I wouldn't give one red cent to the church. That's right. Giving that much money to the church, that is putting it in the offering plate, for the finance and trustee's committees to fight over is not my idea of titheing. I would give more than 10% to an organization that I thought was doing God's work in this world, like UMCOR or ReStart here in KC, or something. I think God would see the logic.

2. Of course the second thing I would do would be to get a new drumset. A Pearl Master's Custom Series complete with double bass pedal (for calds), all the wood blocks I could want (for mustoe), and about twenty or thirty cymbals (a present for Brad).

3. I guess I would move, but not far. I like where I live and don't need anything bigger, just another room for band practice.

4. That's right, BAND PRACTICE!! With 340 million, i figure even Mr. Moneybags Mustoe would do the band fulltime. (Along with the promise of all the nuggets and frosties the little guy could eat) So, our coffee shop, live music, musical instrument and record store would be born. Adam would be manager of Christian and Punk sections, Mustoe pop, singer/songwriter, and corporate rock sections, Diffee, METAL!!!, Ryan, weird ultra-snobbing grad school musician type stuff and me, undergroud alternative, post-punk, post-rock grunge garage band stuff. And each of us would be in charge of the musical instrument of choice. Adam you can have, I dunno, microphones, I guess. And this shop would only be a front for our real jobs of course. With that much money we'd not really have turn a profit, so we'd just run our band out of the store.

4. A 70's stlye, painted up Chevy Conversion Van. Yeah, one with the ladder on the back.

5. I would give a million each to every household in my family, I mean, its only like a tenth.

6. Invest the rest to live of the interest and be able to play drums all day long.

Yeah, that'd be sweet. Doesn't hurt to day dream once and awhile.

Poor preacher/grad student, Brad
ps...Mom, sorry about the language in the last one, but those people took something away from me. For the first time in my life, I am ashamed to be a United Methodist.


Adam said...

Hey, this is a barenaked ladies song too....although, you hate that band. You're probably right in doing so. Anyways, I guess since i'm Mr. Moneybags i'll buy you a taco when i'm in for the gig next weekend.

Brad said...
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Brad said...

You're darn right you will...

Andy B. said...

"5. I would give a million each to every household in my family, I mean, its only like a tenth."

I'm touched.

Anonymous said...

What gig next week-end? Mom

Adam Caldwell said...

This sounds fantastic...hey i'm in without the 360 million or whatever it was. I think I would like to be in charge of the cool posters and trinkets section as well. You know I could sell things like stress reliever balls, and ring pops. That would be fun.