Tuesday, October 31, 2006

What I Think...

I was thinking the other day that I've never just come out and said what I think about some of the hot button issues that are tossed around here and there. These might not come as a surprise to some of you but here we go.....

I think that we are suffering through the worst government-president, congress, and supreme court-that this country has ever had. Our president is an idiot who's more worried about his own already irrepairable legacy than the good of the people of his country. Our congress spends so much time campaigning nothing ever gets done. The republicans are arrogant blowhards who threw ethics out the window and the democrats are too chicken, disorganized and divided to do anything about it. The supreme court is a group of 90 year old white men who could not be more out of touch with the people they serve. We are in bad shape people, and I don't know how long it's going to take to fix it.

There is no logical, ethical, religious, politcal, economical, or social argument against gay marriage. It's just stupid. Being anti-gay marriage just doesn't make any sense.

I believe that abortion should be legal. In the cases of underage patients, I agree that parental consent should be required. Excluding cases of, God forbid, rape or insest, I ALSO believe that both parents should have consent over the decision. Being pro-choice, I also must say that personally I would not choose to give my consent if faced with that situation. Never say never, but I'd have a really hard time making that decision.

I believe creationism should never be taught in schools, UNLESS all religious theories of creation are also taught.

I believe that stem-cell research can offer many great things to our world. Unused embryos are thrown away by the thousands on a daily basis. If those could be used to help cure Parkinson's or MS, why would ANYONE be against it.

Seminary does not prepare you for a life in ministry. Life in ministry prepares you for a life in ministry.

There is something wrong with driving a car you don't need, living in a house with more space than you need, having more or more expensive clothes than you need. There is something WRONG with it. Putting a Jesus fish on your Lexus doesn't mean a thing when kids in Africa are starving to death, when people in KC don't have homes or jobs or schools. NO ONE needs a car more than 35,000 bucks.

Plagerism is the heart and soul of art. There is nothing that can be played, sung, written, painted, sculpted, photographed that hasn't been done already. There is no guitar lick that Jimi Hendrix didn't play, no chord progression that Paul McCartney hasn't done. Plagerism is necessary for art to exsist.

I think that all images, representations, and symbols of religion should be removed from all government property. Reason, justice and democracy should be the basis for any gonvernment. Never something as subjective as religion.

The WNBA is not as exciting as the NBA because women can't run as fast, jump as high, or play as well as the men.

Oh, yeah, and I believe that children are our future, treat them well....

Comments welcome, other topics you want to know where I stand, just ask.

That's it for now...Heal the World, Brad


Anonymous said...

One question is how did we get into such a mess. Another is what to do about it. There have been wealthy people and poor people since the beginning of time. The present power people seem to operate on fear and greed. We have to one, teach, and two, model, the behaviors and values we want to see in the world. Mother Teresa did more to change the world for good that all the presidents in our country's history. Good rant, bud. JB

Andy B. said...

B - Good rant! I have a couple of observations, though.

First - Fact check?

"The supreme court is a group of 90 year old white men."

"Unused embryos are thrown away by the thousands on a daily basis."

The first one is false just by observation. The second one is pretty inflammatory and would need a little documentation to back it up.

Second - an opinion stated as fact ("Seminary does not prepare you for a life in ministry.") tends to weaken an argument. Rather than draw the listener into your belief, it puts them on the defensive. In this case, because seminary did, in fact, prepare me for a life in ministry.

I know that this post was a rant, and as far as rants go, it is a good one. Rants by definition are not really intended to evoke dialogue. I'm just saying your argument would be stronger if you would say, "Seminary is not preparing me for a life in ministry, and here's why ..."

Anyway, rant on, brother! Rant on!

Andy B. said...

And yes, I understand how ironic it is to have made my previous comment considering that the first sentence of my most recent post is, "People are morons." ;)

Brad said...

Geez, bro! I didn't know I was going to be graded. Honestly, I have no idea who's in the supreme court. Rants are what I do, and rants are rants. They are uninformed reactions. Although, I must say I think I'm straight on the facts of fertility clinics and the disposal of unused embryonic stem cells. The title of this essay was "What I Think..", not "Just the Facts, Ma'am." Trust me, I know the rules for writing essays for class or newsletters or periodicles. But, this is my house! I can rant if I want to.

B ps-you did lose most critique rights with the "people are morons" opener.

Anonymous said...


this doesn't sound very "open-minded" bro! wassup?

also, who'd you vote for in 2004?

Adam Caldwell said...

ooohhhh snap!

Andy B. said...

Like I said before - rant on, brother, rant on!

Anonymous said...


I stumbled onto your blog after discovering your brother's blog. FWIW, my politics are diametrically counter of yours. When I read your rant the other day I was mortified! I thought it best to pray for you, for me, and the optimal way to respond.
Your brother's response was for the most part what I was thinking. Your subsequent follow up has put me at ease in that rants are rants, and as you described are uninformed reactions. Again in fairness to you, your rant was just a snapshot of you as I was surfing that day. I pray that all is well.

Blessings to you.

Dark Gable

Anonymous said...

My goodness! That certainly did get a response! And that's what you have been wanting, right? cb