Thursday, November 02, 2006

Defending not Defensive

Alright peeps. Enough's enough.

To my brother, thank you for the advice and guidance. But, I'm not making an argument here. I'm not writing a legal document that I hope will stand up in court. I'm ranting. And, I think it's fair to say, that so far seminary is not helping me in my ministry. I'm glad it helped you. I also think it's fair to say that the supreme court is truly out of touch with mainstream american culture and thought, no matter who's on it. Anyway, I digress. I do enough research, I'm not going to look anything up EVER for the purposes of this blog. I'm just going to type and see what happens. That's what I do and I've never claimed to do any more.

To my friend Mustoe, being open-minded does not mean having no opinions. It means having your own opinions and being willing to dialogue with folks with differing ones, like our new friend Dark Gable. I do think I'm open-minded; I'm willing to listen to other peoples viewpoints, see the value in them, and reject them all equally! Ha, just kidding. And you're right, I didn't vote in 2004. But, I'm an American damnit. Complaining about things I had no part in creating is my God-given right, just like owning a handgun that's only real purpose is to shoot human beings and telling strangers what they can or cannot do in their bedrooms. Sorry again.

To Caldwell, nice addition to the debate my friend. I think in the next presidential debate, the vice pres. candidates should stand behind their partners and go, "Aww, Snap!" when they make a point. Remember, life is about getting over our "doctrinal issues".

To Dark, thanks for stopping by. I look forward to your future additions to the conversation. All I hope for is a country where people like you and me who don't agree can live together, truly and honestly dialogue together, and work together to make our world a better place.

B-R-A-D to tha B. I'm outie 5,000, take it sleazy.


Anonymous said...

Nice recovery my friend.

I was wondering how mad you were as you haden't called me yet!

hey, i'm gonna be in KC over thanksgiving. bbq turkey?

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the kind words. I am just happy/relieved that you are A-okay. It looks like you have tremendous support from family and friends, and a keen sense of humor. I look forward to reading more in the future.

Warmest Regards,
Dark Gable

Anonymous said...

I hope you are voting in this election. I think much of the Methodist denomination like many others is out of touch with life today. There is way to much of this is how it has always been done instead of does this still work today and how can we make improvements.