Thursday, September 21, 2006

Knock Knock

Who's there?

Interrupting Randy Moss.

Interrupting Randy Mo--


Alright, sorry about that. I'm trying to keep up the blogs a little bit more. They are a big part of what keeps me sane right now. My life's kinda getting quietly crazy with school and work.

Lynz and I were talking last night about my favorite topic, other than music, in the world...television. And since I'm blogging more often, the topics are getting more abstract. So, here's some sociological discussion on our, mine and Vee's, favorite shows.

First, The Office. Not much to say here, it's a comedy and supposed to be silly (by the way, if you're still not watching The Office you need to get with the program--he--tv program--hehe).
However, one observation I've seen revolves around the love triangle of Pam, Jim, and Roy. Pam and Roy are engaged but Jim and Pam are best friends and Jim loves Pam and last year's finale was Jim TELLING Pam he loved her and they kissed and the screen went blank. OK, got it? Alright, point number 1: This girl just cheated on her fiancee. And we've never wanted adultery to work out as much as Jim and Pam. We've been brainwashed over two season to wanted with every stolen glance and every joking conversation that Jim and Pam are perfect for each other....but she's WITH ROY! So, what's the lesson? You should go after what you want no matter what you do to other people? Or, you should stick to your committments no matter how misrable they make you? Take your pick. (Kinda like Bush or Gore isn't it?) POINT TWO: Roy is a warehouse worker, Jim a top salesman with upward movement potential. Roy is a big, dumb, idiotic jerk who lives and dies for sports and treats Pam like a cavewench. Jim is a smart, sweet, funny, nice guy who would do anything for Pam in the spirit of friendship. Ya know, that Geiko commercial with the cavemen. If I were a warehouse worker, I'd be pissed.

Alright, show number two, Grey's Anatomy. Another show with a beloved adultress at the center. This show completely revolves around adultery, almost every plotline is about someone cheating on someone else. AND I CAN'T GET ENOUGH!! So, recap. Meredith gets with a guy who turns out to be her boss. The continue to see each other and then she finds out he's married( to a woman who cheated on him, of course). Two years and many tears later, we're left with the cliffhanger of will she choose available hunk vet, Chris O'donnel, or leave with McDreamy, WHO'S STILL MARRIED!!!! And I know some of you out there, I'm lookin' at you Caldwell's, dirty bunch, are rooting for her to leave with The Hair. Oh, yeah, and Meredith cried when she seduced her best friend who's hopelessly in love with her, broke his heart, leaving him a shell of a man, until he hooks up with plus size hottie who rocks his world, Christina hooks up and moves in with her boss. Izzy sleeps with the biggest overplayed, overwritten, overacted, character in tv history (the jerk intern with the heart of gold) , he of course cheats on her with a nurse who he gave the clap to earlier so Izzy turns to the feeble arms of a handsome mystery patient who dies on her and The Jerk with a Heart of Gold carries her out of the room and she quits. Oh yeah, and the Chief had an affair with Meredith's mom who still thinks its 1973. Alright, deep breath. Anyway, my point is, on paper this show is HORRIBLE in what it says about human nature or what it's trying to teach about human nature. Aparently, we are all hedonistic narssicists who don't care about anything but our on pleasures and desires no matter who we hurt and leave bleeding along the way. But, come tomorrow night, I'll be watching.

I could go on, but I ranted longer than I thought.

here's the question: Do we watch TV to escape from our own lives, knowing that these characters are far away from us and with a sort of "it's fun to watch rich people be naughty" mentality, or do we watch these shows because they speak to something deep inside about who we are as humans, because we know these characters because they ARE us, or do we watch these show because they are entertaining and fun to watch?

I'm gonna go make sure Lynz's dvr's set to record Grey's, I don't wanna miss a thing.


Adam Caldwell said...

now whose the girl?

Adam said...

BB, I salute your more frequent blogging.

I think we watch TV to just zone out man. In the same way it's easier to analyze your friends problems than your own, we can sort of do that anonymously with characters that aren't real.

Personally, i've gotten into "Unique Whips" and "Pinks" lately, you should check those out. No adultry, just speed baby!

Anonymous said...

Can you tell me every detail of a professor's lecture like you can every nuance of the tv shows? My, but wouldn't that be nice?! cb