Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Myspace Identity

Hat tip to Mustoe.

Had a good talk with my good friend Mustoe last night and part of the conversation revolved around the personal/friends sharing online networks myspace and facebook. If been thinking about it ever since and what the popularity of these websites says about the state of mind and self-esteem of the young people in modern culture.

I don't have a myspace or facebook page. I should say that first off. I am speaking on a topic without experienceing it. But, here's why I haven't experienced it: I don't believe that who I am, my identity, can be known on paper, or on an online profile. So, there we go. There are two things that these websites say about their users.

1. People today think that a personality CAN be described and understood through a simple list of profile questions. Identity has been so lost, and self-esteem so lowered that people think they can sum up who they are by filling in the blanks.

2. People want relationships but they want to be in complete control of the information they share in relationships. What does this say about the state of community, and trust, and security in our world today? When we participate in anything online that requires personal info, we can add and subtract and multiply anything we want. Why do you think child molestor's target kids through these websites? 'Cause they can get in and out easily. They can be whoever they want to be.

I have great friends in the myspace and facebook networks. I do not mean to imply that all people who are a part of them are shoe-gazing, insecure people. I simply want to talk about the dangers of some of the implications of these sites.

I want everyone who uses facebook and myspace, and everyone that doesn't, that who they are cannot be edited and cannot fit into a nicely uniform profile. We are all special, unique, beautiful, cherished creations of a God who is pure Love. Be yourself in every moment of everyday, in cyberspace and in real life, at church and at the Royals game.

Be your own specially, wonderfully, beautifully created child of God,

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