Friday, July 08, 2005

Da Da do do Da dum, Da Da do do Da dum

I have discovered the secret meanings and origins of this thing we call blog. If you sing the title to this entry with the Da's as Fa's and the dos as does, maybe you'll figure it out too!

First of all, I must admit my disappointment in my older and wiser brother who, with all his musical excellence and knowledge failed to recognize a line from quite possibly the best song ever written. "Bustle in your Hedgerow" is a lyric taken from "Stairway to Heaven" by, who else, Led Zepplin. 7 minutes of pure rock n roll genius. Andy, Bach, Strauss, Wagner, they're all great and we wouldn't have music today without them. However, to truly become musical afficinados, how about studying the great works of Zep, The Who, Pink Floyd, Pearl Jam. There has been music made in the last 200 years!

Second of all, scary news from London. Why London?!? What's London ever done to anyone? With all that the good ol' US of A is currently taking part in throughout our world, why London?

Thirdly, I've been doing some reading and web-grazing about Young Adults Ministries and I've found one interesting one tells you how to start from nothing. And here at CUMC i really am starting from nothing. We have a few younger folks in Sunday Worship, but no sunday school, no programs, no outside groups. If i am to be in charge of YAM, i have to first get some YAM's into the building! Oh well, in the words of the prophet (stephenking) there will be water if God wills it.

Well, I should get to work. Thanks for visiting.

have you figured out the song yet? Well, here you go. 80's and doctor. That's all I can give you.


1 comment:

Sharkbait said...

hey, that Stairway to heaven song pwnes!!! You know that playing it backwards is a different song altogether! You can check it out at
once there, go to the "animations" icon on the top of the page, scroll down, and you should be there!!!