Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I Read the News Today, Oh Boy...(hattip Mark)

Three articles caught my attention this week in the news:

1. There is a bill making its way through the government of Jamaica to legalize maryjane. Old people-that means pot. WHAT? The only thing I know about Jamaica is that its the most spaced-out, laidback, stoner country in the world. Smoking pot is part of the Rastafarian religion! I just couldn't believe that it wasn't legal already.

2. On the View yesterday, yes the View was on while I was getting ready for class, they were talking about a ligit article from the Washington Post about whether Jesus would vote Republican or Democrat in our election this year. Seriously?? This is a real article from a real newspaper that made its way to the discussion table of the second most watched daytime show in America. And they were actually answering it. "Oh, I think he'd be an independent," says Elizabeth Hasselbeck. I got news for ya'll, if you think for one instant that Jesus would take any part in the political system of the United States, or any other country, you are seriously delusional. How arrogant to think that Jesus would care at all for the governmental systems of this world!

3. From NPR this morning, there are more slaves in the world today, and more in the United States, than in any other time in history. The slave trade is alive and well and better than ever. With $100 American, you can go to Haiti and buy a human being to work for you under the threat of violence for no pay other than subsistance(the official definition of slavery, illegal in every nation on earth); this includes cleaning, cooking and sexual partners. (now go back and reread the question of number two. really, America?!?!) This is an unbelievable story to me. Hey, General Conference, when you're down there talking about whether or not gay people should be married, why not take ten minutes, maybe after a lunch break on some day, and talk about something that really matters in this world. Something that actually hurts people, something that's actually evil! But, no no no, gay people must be stopped. Gay people are destroying marriage, Barack Obama is a Muslim and, oh woe is us say it ain't so, our membership is down!!! Come on, people! THERE ARE MORE SLAVES RIGHT NOW IN AMERICA THAN THERE EVER WERE IN PRE-CIVAL WAR AMERICA!!!!

Slaves, AIDS, war, genocide, failing economy, homelessness, domestic violence, post-traumatic stress in our soldiers. But, no, the number one story yesterday was that some rich guy went to a hooker. WAIT, actually he didn't go to hooker, he agreed to pay a hooker, he DID nothing.

What are your priorities, what are mine, what are the priorities of the United Methodist Church, what are the priorities of the followers of Jesus?

What's so funny 'bout peace, love and understanding? BB


Anonymous said...

B-rad (I just love the word "rad," it brings me back to the days of watching Transformers, G.I. Joe, and CBS Storybook on Saturday mornings),

I have to say that I feel and share in your frustrations with the week's headlines. We're talking about systems theories right now - and so I pose this question in light of your post:

How much ability do I/you have to change the cycle in which we function? Do we continue to maintain the balance of homeostasis or do we move for change and growth? And what's a healthy balance between the two? What role do we play? And how much power do we have to change the function of the system?

Good thoughts. Thanks, B-rad.


Unknown said...

I agree with number 2. Great point Brad!! I'm so tired of being here and people giving me crap because of my political view differing from them and them defending it by saying, "Jesus was a democrat." Bullcrap!! You just said it better than me! :) Great thoughts! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Good to hear your reaction to items in the news. Keep it coming. cb

Anonymous said...

When we hear that people are living in slavery and are mortified why don't we get the same reaction when we find out that people are dying because they can't afford AIDS medication that is cheaply produced in our own country? Or that people are struggling to get health care, but can't because they are "financial risks"? Or that people work for pennies to produce the clothing that we wear or the coffee that we drink. These forms of slavery put prices on people's lives and devalue them to numbers, products, and objects.
I think that we have infinite ablitly to change the system that we are in..at least that is what I am counting on. When I think of homeostasis I begin to think of stagnation which is why we are having the problems that we are having. There needs to be continual healthy movement and growth within the system, or else the system needs to die and something else needs to rise up in it's place that allows growth and change.
Now if we could only find a way to blame the gay community for all of these problems life would so much simpler...

justin z.

Zach said...

I really want to find out if there is an equivalent of a filibuster for General Conference. I want to take over the floor so that we deal with these issues. The problem is that it always comes done to what "the liberals" want. Rarely do we look at the issues, but instead look at who is proposing the issue. We need real discussions, and we need them now. I'm setting my hopes low, and want to take part in one meaningful conversation while I am in Ft. Worth.

Anonymous said...

Great post. I think you may be on to something here. Between you and Mark keep track of the news for me I do not have to be mortified by rich men paying thousands of dollars for sex. Or other men buying humans. Or the inavailability of cheap drugs that would help millions. Also let Zach know that the UMC is a fillibuster.

Brad said...

agl-I don't know what exactly I can do to change the information/communication systems since I get my news from The Daily Show, Best Week Ever and The Soup with a little bit of NPR in the car.

Just one suggestion, check out slate.com, an online news site.

Peace, B

Anonymous said...

Brad - You are generalizing. I am old and I know what maryjane is. And I knew what it was before you were born. I love you anyway. Your Mom

Gregg said...

Hi Brad,
Just thought I would check out your blog... Have hope. We are slowly changing the culture of our conferences because WE are different. The whole systems theory thing does hold true: You don't have to change everything to change everything,and we start with who is ready and what is ready.

One bit of advice, though... Don't minimize the damage that is done by keeping big issues silent. I think we should be talking about homosexuality in the church and not sweeping it under the rug. I think it is a "both/and." We should be talking about that AND the other significant issues confronting us. Hang in there, and keep hope alive!