Thursday, February 07, 2008


Can anybody easily and succienctly (sp?) explain to me what the hell is going on?

Delegates, super delegates, primaries, caucausi. Obama won more states but less delegates. But, he says he won more delegates. But now matter what the actual people vote, the super delegates can vote however they want.

What the hell?

And, supplimental question, should I care?



Zach said...

Technically Obama has more pledged delegates. Those are the ones given based on actual primary and caucus votes. Hillary is ahead of him in total delegates based on the "super delegates". These people of members of congress, former presidential nominees, party chairpersons, etc. Those are not bound by any vote, and could sway at any time.

In short, it could come down to a group of people in a back room deciding the nominee.

Stephanie said...

I don't care as long as a Republican is NOT elected.

Anonymous said...

I'm with you on that one, Steph. Anyone who might in any way be obligated to support that arrogant child that is in the White House now is on my list of people to not vote for. Brad, and anyone else to whom this applies, you do not have the privilege of complaining if you do not vote! End of sermon. cb

Andy B. said...

I hear you, cb!

btw, did you hear what Romney said when he dropped out? He implied basically that if either Clinton or Obama is elected, our nation is surrendering to terrorists.

Nice one, huh?