Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Message to Al Gore

I was listening to a great Tower of Power song the other day called "Only So Much Oil in the Ground". There's a prechorus in the song that says "We can't cut loose, without that juice." AWESOME! Hilarious. Their concern for the earth's over-consumption of petrolium is directly-proporsional to their ability to party.

Then I thought more about it and thought that this would be a genious campaign for Al Gore for all the hipster, downtown, young adult liberals out there who are pretty much all talk and no action. Who bought Save Darfur and the Live Earth cd because it was trendy but still use too much hair spray, drive too much and smoke too much. There won't be any cool downtown loft apartments any more, no facebook, no apple martinis or whatever cool people do. We won't be able to listen to music, check e-mail, makes phone calls, surf the internet, and take pictures on the same machine if the seas start to rise. No spring break in Key West if Key West is under water.
Think about it Al.

We can't cut loose, without that juice.


Anonymous said...

The problem with talking about all the wrong that "they" do is that we are also the "They". cb

Stephanie said...

uhhh dude what's wrong with too much hairspray?? :)