Tuesday, September 18, 2007

For all those who are interested

Is a Christian church without a cross in the sanctuary actually a Christian church?

By the way, I would say no. The cruxifiction and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the most important thing for Christian worship and in my opinion the most important event in all of history and without a symbol of that event, I don't know. It's just not for me.

Talk amongst yourselves. Well, not really, actually comment and we'll talk. No big whoop.



Adam Caldwell said...

I concur...it's unfortunate that the waves of the "seeker-sensative" movement has caused this to happen...

Adam said...

Is a Christian who doesn't wear a cross around their neck a Christian?

Ok, now that the obligatory devil's advocate seemingly deep but actually trite question is out of the way...I think I agree as well.

The cross is central to Christianity. Watering down the faith doesn't do much good. It's not like say, the crusades or christian cable networks that are sort of like the embarrasing relative (in my case my Dad) that you don't won't your new girlfriend to meet. No, not having the cross as a central symbol is the church is a lot like online dating- you're eventually going to have to meet!

I like that people are trying to make Christianity accessible and to be mindful of where folks outside the church might be at. But I still feel like no matter the architecture or style or icons used the bulk of the work with the church happens on a personal basis within loving relationships where you don't need an emblem to let people know they're loved.

Andy B. said...

Is a gathering of a dozen people sitting outside under a tree singing, praying, and worshiping a "Christian church?" I think so.

Incarnation, crucifixion, resurrection are the central events of the Christian faith, right on. Having the right stuff in your worship space is not important.

Or said another way, having The Cross in the midst of your worship does not require having a cross hanging on the wall.

Anonymous said...

I know exactly what you're getting at. But I'm old school. I think a church sanctuary (not a group sitting under a tree) without a cross is like bluegrass without the fiddle player. It doesn't make sense. On the other hand, a cross doesn't make it Christian. The Klan had the cross in the middle of everything they did. So did we back when we wouldn't let black folk worship with us. Isn't it Jesus' argument about worship only in Jerusalem? The cross is what we choose to make the central focus of our worship. Others might choose something else. Jim