Monday, April 09, 2007

Listen all Ya'll it's a Sabatoge

Psychological post for you today, stemming from a convo we had in Pastoral Care...

What kind of self-sabatoging powers does our ego, or super-ego, have over our id?

Case study: A person is so used to being pesimistic, negative, glass-half-empty. This person's comfort zone is the meloncholy (sp?). Can happiness frighten that person so much that some part of that person tries to remedy the situation with self-sabatoge, subconsciously attacking the cause of said happiness? And how, as care-givers (pastoral or otherwise), can we get a person like this to accept happiness, embrace happiness, to know that being happy is ok, is actually preferrable? Especially if the sabatoge is coming from somewhere deep underneath the surface, and, many times, the person is unaware until its too late.

One of my more intellectual questions here on The Bustle. Let me know what you think.



Adam said...

I guess my answer depends on if said person is you or not : )

Anonymous said...

yes i agree but if it is so you should take every step to protect yourself