Monday, March 05, 2007


For the first, and hopefully last, time, I'm going to take some advice I heard on Oprah. I need to lose some weight and get into some sort of shape, other than round (Knyuck, Knyuck). So, Oprah says you should blog it off!

As of right now, March 5th, I weigh 233 lbs. I want to weigh 215 by my birthday. I will keep updating Bustle with my progress...

Keep reading....Brad's Top 5's are below..



Adam said...

i think oprah could run for president and win.

Anonymous said...

You have to burn more calories than you ingest. Plain and simple. I'm with you, man. I need to be at 185 by your birthday. That's 12 more to drop for me. Peace, Dad

Anonymous said...

When is your birthday? It's somewhere near mine because we are both Gemini. I need to lose weight, too. We could be blogging, birthday, burn-it-off buddies.

BTW...I'm not a creepy stalker. I'm a good friend of Andy and Erin's.