Friday, March 24, 2006

It's B-day time!!

I actually looked at my calander the other (yes, I have a calander. It comes in sort of briefcase form, its more of a binder with handles.) and realized that you all only have two months to shop for my birthday presents!! So in the interest of getting cool your shopping so that you benefit from this somehow, I'm giving you my list!!

1. An iPod docking stereo: I'm tired of either not listening to music in my house or listening through computer speakers.
2. A new couch or recliner: I know, I know. I shed a tear for "The Beast" too, but it's time to retire it. I need furniture that doesn't come from Goodwill, my parents old stuff, or that I stole from someone's dorm room.
3. A digital camera: it's high time I joined the ranks of other great Bryan photographers like R. Andrew and James J.
4. A new matress: the lumps, the bowed middle, my back. 'Nuff Z'nuff.

Alright, obviously those four ideas are pretty much for two people in particular. They are in order of desire not necessarily need and the list is by no means exaustive.

For the rest of you:
DVD's are always a good bet, here's some that top my list:
The Shield(TV Show): any season
Indiana Jones Collection
Superman Collection
Alien Collection
Die Hard Collection
Sean Connery James Bond Collection
Lethal Weapon Collection

Books are also a good bet, I've gotten in the habit of reading lately for some reason, and need something to get me through the summer. When I moved from Fayette I left behind books by three of my favorite authors and I'd like to start collecting them again. So, here they are:
1. Anything by Stephen King, except the Dark Tower books which I have.
2. Anything by Robert Ludlum, the guy behind the Jason Bourne spy novels.
3. Anything by Micheal Connely, detective Harry Bosch.

Let's see, what else?
Anything drum or food related is always good.
Always looking for music: right now especially classical and more jazz.
I'd like some camping stuff.

And, if you must, if you absolutely have to, if you have to resort to the gift certificate, Best Buy tops the list, Target comes next, and then Old Navy.

Wow, I've done it. This is the single most selfish piece of liturature ever written. I should win, like, a nobel prize for self-serving inward-looking prose.

I also want peace on earth, a lower dependence on foriegn oil, death to WalMart, Nike, and the rest, less money in Washington, more unity in the Church, food for everybody in the world, an end to Aids/HIV in Africa, and Bush to be held accountable for his illegal actions.

There, that completely makes up for asking for stuff, huh? That's what I thought.

Two months and two days 'til 24, Bradley James Bryan


Adam Caldwell said...

You are still but a young lad...23 is so passe.

Anonymous said...

How kind of you to help us in our quest for birthday gifts. You are all heart! cb

Andy B. said...

I know this must have slipped your mind, but there is someone to whom you are related whose birthday comes first - a mere sixteen days away, in fact. And as for me, all I really want is a song in my heart, food in my belly, and love in my family. ;)
- AB