Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Playing Catch Up

Hello one and all,
I've been busy finding a balance with school back in the picture, so my posts have been a little slow lately. So, this is my chance at catching up. It might get long, so hold on to your seats!!

Heavy stuff first, has anybody noticed and does anybody care that our administration is probably one of the worst in history. Our White House BROKE THE LAW!!!! And, instead of owning up to WARRENTLESS wiretapping, in other words spying on the American people, there's talk now of just creating a new law that allows for it. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?! Let's see, the last time one of our presidents broke the law.......what happened.....I'm trying to remember.....oh yeah, NIXON HAPPENED. We're fighting a war we never should've started, and believe me, we did start it, and it's not going to end anytime soon. Taking the troops out now would be disasterous for Iraq. So, let's see, the last time our president went to war without support and it turned into a debacle....ummm...oh yeah, NIXON AGAIN!!! Anybody remember Vietnam. So there's that war, that's unending and all about oil not the freedom of Iraq. And then there's this other war, remember the whole Osama Bin Ladin thing. Somehow, this guy can get his video feeds to the local news, but the richest and most sophisticated military in the history of the world can't find him. Once again, ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? Then there's the whole Supreme Court thing. Let me just appoint my little puppet king who will vote how I tell them to vote. Yeah, that's fair. And THEN, there's the illegal, ILLEGAL PEOPLE, wiretapping that our White House sanctioned and put into action. Not only should they be kicked out of office, they should be arrested!! Oh yeah, and let's not forget the way the White House handled Katrina and now have regressed to just ignoring it!! It's much more important to find out who to blame for this shit than to actually help this people get their homes and lives back. Oh, AND THEN, there's the angry troll who will be our president if Dubya has another nasty bike wreck. This is our second in line to the most powerful man in the world. A senile, angry totalitarian who thinks there's nothing wrong with a little torture if it's done in the name of, brace yourselves, THE WAR ON TERROR. A man who can't tell a 78 yr old man from a deer and waits almost a week to say ANYTHING ABOUT IT!!!! Oh, and I almost forgot, the website link on my brothers site,, pointed out to me that we have 150,000 Hiroshima size atomic weapons that cost us billions of dollars a year just to maintain. Oh no, Iran, we can't let you have any nuclear weapons, after all, your Muslim and everybody knows Muslims can't be trusted. We could cut more than half of our military budget and still be the richest army in the world. Our country is going to hell and nobody seems to care. It's time to do something about it. Write congresspersons, join this to get information about when to write. And most of all, VOTE.
But, here's the bad part, the Democrats don't have anything better to offer. I know that the Republican's won't have the next president, but whoever we do get won't be much better. Hilary Clinton? A black man will be president before a woman, I garauntee it. John Kerry? John McCain? Seen those guys, they lost to Dubya. They lost to a man who tripled our national deficit in less than four years!!!
When you really think about it, the level of corruption and ineptitude of this administration should frighten, anger, worry, and intice you to action.

All right, deep breath, in, two three four, out, two three four. We're in trouble, is all I'm saying.

Here's the good stuff. Lynz and i babysat my niece and nephew last Saturaday. No, i didn't mean last Sat. Night. I meant last Saturday day, all day. And, I've done some pretty crazy things in my life but that...was...awesome!!! Those kids are one of the best things that's ever happened to me. For example, we were playing dinosaurs in Wes' room and Wes and I were bad guys and Lynz and Cori were good guys. Then, Cori says, get this, "Let's just all be good guys, why does there have to be bad guys in the game?" She's almost eight and has a better foriegn policy than our pres. Sorry, i'm done talking about that. And then Wes, who just turned five and has his broken arm slung up in his blanket with gause around his whole body (by the way a five year old swaddled up like that is just about the cutest thing in the world), Wes turns to Lindsey and says "Ya know, Lindsey, I didn't like Chicken Little.....I loved it!!!" And as we played Cranium, the family fun game edition, he kept saying things like "For example" and "The thing is". Cori has a such an ear for music she gets upset when she can't hum a song correctly, but she knows it's wrong and knows why it's wrong. Amazing, amazing, amazing kids. Mom and Dad, ask Andy to bring along the Cranium game. We played for 7 of the total 8 hours we were there.

Second thing of note, I saw Robert Randolph and the Family Band again. From the front row again. And it was awesome, again. If you've never been to a rock show, or have forgotten what it's like, go see RRFB as soon as you can and no matter how close or far away they come to you. It was unbelieveable. Other than Metallica from five feet away, probably the greatest entertainment thing i've ever seen. (Mustoe, Bela Fleck March 31st, we're going.)

Thirdly, Lindsey got me a mandolin for V Day. In the words of Mr. Mustoe, "You better lock this one up, this one's a keeper." Um, the girl, not the mandolin. But i've had it for exactly one day and have learn one song already, Golden Slippers. It's a pain to keep in tune, but it's awesome nonetheless. My goal, of course, is "Battle for Evermore" from Led Zeppelin Four. But, i'll have to settle for Golden Slippers for now. So, the tally is now: PRETTY DANG GOOD AT: drums, TOTALLY MEDIORCRE AT: guitar, piano, and mandolin. Here I come accordian.

Lastly, Tomorrow night I leave for God's home away from home, Colorado. I'll be skiing for three days straight, no classes missed! I'm really really excited but just hoping that I won't get hurt this time. I've been twice, been hurt twice. So we'll see, I'm more mature and stronger now. But, after all, I'm not 18 anymore.

Wow, I'm sorry if you were just getting on real quick to see if Brad had written anything. If i'm gonna post once a week, It's probably gonna be long. Thanks for coming by.

What's so funny about peace, love and understanding,


Adam Caldwell said...

Saw Reliant K last night. Very dissapointed after seeing MuteMath last Thursday. I still like Reliant K though.

Adam said...

So, who'd you vote for in 2004?

Thanks for the shout-outs!

Anonymous said...

Good question, Mustoe. cb