Friday, July 20, 2007

Pandora's Blog

You asked for it, you got it.

So, I'm flipping through the channel's the other night and I stop on the O'Reily Factor, you know, for material. Turns out, Ol' Pompous Ass himself and I have something in common. There's a clip from the movie Jesus Camp circulating the airwaves this week for the release of Harry Potter. This angry, bitter lady screaming at a large group of pre-teens saying "If this was Old Testament Times, Harry Potter would be burned for witchcraft!!!" She actually used the term "warlock" as if referring to a real thing. Come on people. What about God's gifts of creativity and imagination? What about inspiring millions of kids to love reading? How many millions of kids has Numbers inspired lately? As both Bob and John Stewart pointed out on the same night, this is just rediculous. This kind of fanatacism really isn't worth a comment. But what happens when anyone goes to a public stage, says "I'm a Christian", and then procedes to say something hateful, or homophobic, or mysoginistic, or insane like "Harry Potter's evil", people start thinking that ALL Christians are like that. I just wish someone would get to level of public address and say once and for all, Yes, I'm a Christian and I happen to be just as lost, confused, scared, happy, joyous, doubtful, right, wrong, peaceful, angry, MESSED up as the rest of humanity. In other words, I'm a Christian and I'm a completely normal human being.

So, I'm flipping through the channels the other night and come across a story on Christian products. This is perfect because I also saw Michael Moore on The Report talking about his movie Sicko. It's perfect because the points are the same. There are two things that definately should ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH PROFIT: medicine and faith. The message of Jesus Christ is not for sale. If you have t-shirts, hats, mugs, stickers, posters, computer games, mouse pads, action figures, little magnetic plastic fish or anything else with a "trademark" or a "copyright" behind the name or message of Jesus...please go to your nearest Goodwill store and drop everything you've got on the back steps.

So, I'm flipping through the channels the other night and catch a rerun of the Daily Show and I finally hear put to words what made me feel so weird about the Annual Conference's new insurance policy. John Stewart said, referring to the Catholic Church's most recent tangle, "I want you all to really hear me, they had child abuse insurance!" My friends, you don't get insurance for something that you never expect to happen. You hope it won't happen, but you guess it probably will someday. The United Methodist Church has sexual and child abuse insurance. Fabulous.

I heard my two favorite lines in rock n roll history today from one of my favorite bands, Clutch:
"Condolezza Rice is nice but I prefer A' Roni"
"I've got your number, I steal your thunder, I got your mother's maiden name tattooed on my arm"
Thought I'd share.

Be careful what you wish for, BB


Andy B. said...

Oh crap! After all this time, I can't believe I'm actually two posts BEHIND!

Seriously, nice rants, bro. The "So I'm flipping through the channels" line is a nice litany - I think I'll use it as a responsive reading in worhip this fall.

And even as I type, I am awaiting the promised delivery of Deathly Hallows, which I pre-ordered from for $17.95 and a release-date delivery guarantee. But please don't tell anyone, they think I'm a Christian and I wouldn't want that image shattered by them learning what kind of heretical mumbo-jumbo I read.

Christie Angleton said...

If Harry Potter is wrong, I don't want to be right!

*Christie Angleton (loud & proud!)

Anonymous said...


Great to see you blogging again.

I essentially disagree with most, if not all of your political positions, but I thoroughly enjoy reading your posts. At times I LOL, other times I shake my head in disbelief, but at all times enjoying reading what you write. How is that? It seems that you are quite passionate in your beliefs and make no apologies for it. Your passion comes through crystal clear, and while I may disagree, I love the stand you take.
When I read Andy's blog I always seem to be in rebuttal mode. This is remarkable in that you and him are more alike politically. Then his recent post where he described himself as a first-born, type A, perfectionist, people-pleaser, has a tough time completely letting it go type; it dawned upon me that he and I are cut from the same cloth but holding opposite political views. I can't speak for Andy, but I tend to take myself to seriously at times too. I laughed out loud thinking about the laughs you and my sister (whose political leanings are as left as yours and my parents) would have listening to the older siblings debate the topics of the day.
All of this is and was to say, good to see you post. I sincerely hope that we do not have to wait as long for the next one!


Anonymous said...

Joseph made some very interesting points. Once more, the differences between you and your bro are meaningful and delightful to someone. I am always delighted by them and by the fact that, in the midst of the differences, the two of you love each other very much and will be there for each other under any circumstance. cb