Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Weight vol. 3

Well, the results are in. At least, some of the results are in. I've been working out 4 days a week, using mainly weight-training stuff I learned from my own personal strength coach, who also happens to be my best friend. I've been progressing nicely, moving up in the weight i lift each week and already seeing results in my arms and chest. I'm not quite as jiggly as I was when I started this whole thing! and, mom you'll be glad to know, I'm getting those scary trap. muscles back.

I've also been trying really hard to eat better. Lots of eggs, whole grain cereal, salad when I can. One Mountain Dew a day. Ice Cream has been replaced by 100% real fruit frozen yogurt bars.

And what does this all mean? I've lost 5 pounds in three weeks...Ta Da! Ok, not huge results. But, it's something. and since I have been focused mainly on weight training and muscle growth, not cardio and weight loss (cardio work is probably my second least favorite thing in the world to do, next only to changing guitar strings) I HAVE been building muscle, which weighs a lot more than fat. So, in the end, I don't know how much weight I'll lose or if I'll meet my 215 goal. But, if i'm bigger, stronger and more solid, I won't care.

Here's the problem. I love eating. It's not just something I do, it's something I love doing. Also, I'm addicted to Mountain Dew, which is just empty unusable calories. So, I do cheat. Not a lot, but it happens.

But the good news: I see results in muscle growth already and I'm down to 233 from 238. Now the danger becomes plateau-ing, where your body catches up to the breaking down of muscles your doing and the results stop. So, that's the next challenge...

Not so jiggly, B


Anonymous said...

Way to go! Keep it up. It's a constant struggle but I know you'll feel better physically and feel better about yourself. I remember forcing myself to switch from Pepsi, major addiction, to Diet Pepsi and how miserable it was. Now I can't stand the regular stuff. I also know that in time you will feel full with less food. It just takes time and effort. Good job. JB

Anonymous said...

Way to go, Beej! And losing weight slowly like you are means that it is more likely to stay off. Just think - if you lose 5 lbs a month, at the end of a year that's 60 pounds! Not that you want to lose that much but just to realize that every little bit can make a big difference. JB mentions feeling better - I like the health benefits. Less weight means less diabetes, less heart disease, less arthritis. You might even be able to jog or walk for exercise if you lose 15. I am really happy for you. cb

Anonymous said...


It's been awhile since I've checked your site out. Congrats and best wishes with your fitness plan. You and I live in the same neighborhood so to speak (I started April at 244lbs., at present238lbs). However, you have youth on your side! :) I'm 45 and have not seen any 200lb plus octagenarians roaming the world. My target is 195-200lbs. My problem is different than yours in that I don't eat a lot, but eat the wrong things (i.e. too many sweets and fats)and have/had been sedentary for far too long. I emphasize cardio (due to family history, etc.)as I remain uncomfortable with weights(...must have a defective x chromosome).
Continue the good work! I'll keep you in my thoughts as I work out, knowing that you are going through the same conditioning as I.

Joseph(formerly posted as Dark Gable)

Anonymous said...

Just checking back in. I hope that all is well. I'm down to 225lbs. Revising my goal - downward - to 180lbs.
