Monday, February 19, 2007

Movie Reviews

This weekend, Lynz had a big party for a friend, so I was all alone in St. Joe. I rented some movie to pass the time in the evenings and here are some recommendations:

A History of Violence, for adults only, but worth it. A great story and Viggo is great.

I don't see what the big deal was about MI:3. It's good, real good. A great action movie.

Idiocracy, the story of an average man, the MOST average man, accidentally frozen for 500 years and awakens as the smartest man in the world. It's a renter and a one timer. Mike Judge creates a future that is filled with stupid people. The smart people find it illogical to procreate while the less-than-average, due to unprotected sex and adultery, reproduce like rabbits. Everything is sponsored, including the presidency. CostCo is the size of NYC. And the most-watched show on the Violence Channel is "Ouch, My Balls." It's good.

My top three picks are true GUY movies. First, Crank. The story, the actor, the camera work, the soundtrack, the actress. Everything about this movie screams Testosterone. Chev Chelios, yes really, is injected with a poison that will kill him if he doesn't keep his adrenaline high. And then, it's an hour and a half of him keeping his, and our, adrenaline as high as it goes. If your in the mood, a great action flick.

The Proposition is an Aussie western with Guy Pierce and it's classic. Probably one of the top three Western's I've seen. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, Tombstone...this holds its own with both.

And, if anybody hasn't checked out Tony Jaa yet, go rent The Protector and Ong-Bak, The Thai Warrior. NO ropes, NO computers, NO stunt men. Unbelievable matial arts. Check it out.

My little contribution to the movie world...more important posts on the way.


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