Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Brotherly Love

I've been trying for over a month to somehow put the experience of the birth of Braeden James Bryan into words. And, I've decided that I can't.

The uncle/nephew relationship has been a big deal in my family my whole life. My uncles have uncle names! Sam, Bob, Phil, Jerry, Jack. They have uncle jobs...a salesman, a moneyman, a trainman, a musicman, and a mathman. And they are a big part of why I am the man I am.

So, when my sister asked is I would help her with pregnancy and birth, I said yes, without really considering what I was getting myself into. I went to birthing class (as it turned out, my best friend Bates was in the same class), I watched THE VIDEO, I practiced the positions and the massages-nothing below the waist! It was 4:30 Sunday Christmas Eve morning when my sister called me. I answered the second time she called and she said the magical words, "I think we should go to the hospital." So, at 5:30 we got to the hospital and I thought we would be headed home within hours. I just knew that this was a false alarm. But, then the doctor came in and said, Let's have a baby.....

Holy Crap! It's actually happening. We're gonna have a baby. I'll spare you the details of what happens next. I didn't see anything. I whispered in her ear, held her hand, carried her puke bucket. And, about 40 minutes after she went in, I was the first non-medical person to hold Braeden James Bryan on this earth.

I've never felt closer to my sister, closer to myself, closer to God, than the moment they handed me this screaming, writhing, breathing, living, perfect little boy.

Brotherly Love, Unclely Love, It's a Beautiful Thing.

I love you, sister, little nephew. I'll do anything for you for as long as I can.

Peace, B


Andy B. said...

Good stuff, B.
"Unclely Love" - nice one!

Adam said...

BB, good to have you back among the living, and the living in St. Jo no less. Thanks for the update buddy.

Anonymous said...

Beej - You gave so much of yourself to Steph and Braeden. They are both very fortunate to have you in their lives. And so am I! cb

Anonymous said...

Breaden is doing great, by the way, now that he has been in the world for a whole six weeks! I'll never forget the song in the hospital room. It's good to cry now and then for reasons like that.
Let us know about the new churches. Love you-JB

Stephanie said...

Brad you are an awesome brother and I am so glad you are my brother! I am so lucky that you were there for me and Braeden. I couldn't have done it without you. By the way you made me cry reading that. Thanks a lot!!! :) Braeden is so lucky to have you for an uncle!
We love you!
