Thursday, December 07, 2006

Kindness Addendum

Well, after posting about the Kindness Campaign last night...I hear that Vee gets pulled over at 8:30 in 15 degree weather for going thirty miles an hour in a school zone. Cops who pull people over for ten miles an hour or less, especially if the total out-of-control speed is THIRTY!!, are just doing it to be jerks. They're mad because they're up early, or their boss is a jerk, or they just get off on the power of it. I see people pulled over a lot around town, and it seems to me that there's more important things for the cops of Kansas City, one of the highest per capita murder rates in the country thank you very much, to do than to bother people who are going 55 instead of 45 down 71. It's a freakin' Highway, it says so on the sign. Everybody speeds. Especially cops. I'm glad you met your quota this month guys, oh wait, did you hear about the double homicide last night on Troost? No, you were stopping the menace to society speeders? I see.

Ok, minor set back. When you go out of your way to be kind, you're not always going to feel the love thrown back at you. We have to get over that. Lower our sholders and power through. Bite our lips, grab onto something and give it hell. Whatever.

I'm still calling on the regulars and cursory readers of Bustle to begin the Kindness Revolution. Be neighborly. Be helpful. Be curteous.

You stay classy, Blogosphere.


Anonymous said...

Maybe you should define kindness. Is how you react to a police officer pulling you over in a school zone a part of being kind? It certainly is a spiritual issue. Paul's letters are full of admonitions to be kind, to love one another, fruits of the spirit, etc. And not just those who are kind to you. The Christian has this thing about loving your enemies, about overcoming evil with good. It seems pretty clear to me - be kind to everyone in every circumstance, no matter what. I think of it as part of a life of grace or being grace-full. I've never been sorry that I showed someone else a little kindness. Yet I am painfully sorry every time I show anyone unkindness. Kindly, JB

Andy B. said...

I wonder if it is an oxymoron to rant about kindness? ;)

Mark said...

I wonder how often kindness is met with hostility, especially today when everyone is a little afraid of kindness. I think you can look through history and see examples of people trying to be kind and getting persecuted for it. But being pulled over by a cop I don't think has anything to do with kindness. I agree that speeding is a lame reason to pull someone over, and I totally understand the rant. Does this kindness thing mean you aren't going to rant on your blog anymore because that kind of seems like the point. L