Thursday, June 15, 2006

What John Saw

Inspired by the dismal remaking of The Omen and, partially, the politically apocalyptic V for Vendetta, both of which I saw last weekend, I have decided to make a movie.

I'll do this in my spare time of course, between finishing school and starting a heavy metal church. (Andy, thanks for putting heavy metal and ecclesiology in the same sentence!)

The movie is entitled "What John Saw". We have had movies about the Anti-Christ (The Omen 1-4), we've had movies about the end of the world (The Day After Tomorrow, End of Days, and the dredfull Left Behind series), but we've never had an actual literal translation of the book of Revelation.

Picture it:
The movie opens with a bronze, iron, gold Jesus decending from the heavens with AN ACTUAL TWO SIDED SWORD coming out of his mouth. The four horsemen of the Apocolypse come flying in on their quad-colored steeds. The beast with seven heads comes lumbering out of the sea to terrorize the villagers. And the battle between Satan's minions and the Good Souls.

Who wouldn't come to see that movie? The Book of Revelation, literally, is a great horror movie.
The trailer's the best part:

Close up on man's face watching something behind camera. His eyes keep getting bigger and bigger as the horror of what he's seeing sinks in. His terrified expression on his face, we mouths the words "Holy Shh-" Quick cut to movie title "What John Saw"-Find out Summer 2012.

Awesome, Awesome,


Andy B. said...

I am SO there!

Anonymous said...

Just don't fall into the gospel of scare tactics. End time deliberations take us from doing the gospel each and every day. Peace, JB

Anonymous said...

Just give my brother a role in the movie, OK? He's needs to use that theatre degree for something and move out of the basement.

Anonymous said...

Your imagination has been running wild in your recent posts and I love it! I have always heard that drummers are, well, "different". I hope you can put some of your creativity to work for the church before you are no longer able to call yourself a "young adult". Because I think lots of folks your age would respond to your presentation of the gospel. cb

Adam Caldwell said...

I would say that I would be willing to be John, but my clean mouth wouldn't permit it. You know I'm in.