Friday, February 03, 2006

A Kiwi and a V that sounds like a U...

Well, school is back in full swing. I've got New Testament with a Kiwi (that's a person from New Zealand and not an ethnic slur, they use it on themselves) , Theology with Kris Kvam (pronouced Kuam), and Preaching with Graves. I don't know Graves and don't have the class until next Wednesday. I'm pretty excited about this semester, not only because I've got great teachers (Warren Carter literally wrote the book on the NT), but because we're getting into my areas of interest, theology and preaching. I'm looking forward to it.

That's pretty much all that's going on,
thanks for stopping by guys, thanks for reading my blog,

1 comment:

Adam Caldwell said...

Have no fear...I caught the Home Star references!