Monday, January 23, 2006

Serious Writers' Blog

Can something called blogging be serious?

I got Mustoe writing blog quadrilogies, Caldwell writing about fasting and responding very seriously to the Narnia thing.

Let me apologize. I think it's great that some choose to use this world of blogging for theological and philosophical discussion; heck, I'll even join in occasionally. But, rest assurd, if your coming to my site you'll get a full dose of what I'm thinking, ranting or laughing about on any given day. But nothing else. No exposition, hardly any explanation, and really no reflection.

As most of you know, I'll do the reflecting on my own.

Taking you guys taking blogging too seriously way too seriously,

ps. all i'm saying about Narnia is that it's a great movie. not a great CHRISTIAN movie. just a great movie. i hope people are touched by the story and find the allusions to Christ powerful. but i also hope we can enjoy the series as just movies.


Adam Caldwell said...


If you make a serious comment, expect a serious response.

Don't be hater.

Adam said...


you just gotta mix it up now and again. I think that blogging is great for gettin stuff out there.

although I would say,

Don't be Slater.