Monday, December 19, 2005

King Kong Goes Ape

Sorry for the bad 1930's headline, but I was in the mood. I saw King Kong this weekend with Lindsey, Sarah and Dennis. And I mean, I've seen some pretty cool things in my life but......that......was.......AWESOME!!!!! Yes, it takes them an hour to get to Skull Island and yes, you can't not laugh at Jack Black. But, the giant ape fighting three T. Rex's while holding on to his new girly toy? Unbelievable! If Naomi Watts doesn't get an oscar there's something wrong with the world. And how about some Oscar love for Andy Serkis. Who's Andy Serkis and why do I care, you ask?? He's the guy who spent two months in Rwanda studying the movements of gorillas and then got dressed up in a black suit with balls all over it to bring Kong to life. Also the very same Andy Serkis who did the same thing for Gollum in LOTR. Give him a freakin' oscar, he played a giant gorilla!!!!!!

Awesome awesome awesome. So awesome I didn't even realize my ass was numb until hour two!
Advocate for the Advancement of Big Hairy Apes, or AABHA,


Adam Caldwell said...

booo to the lack of content!!!

Adam said...

Hey man, either blog, or don't blog.......words of wisdom!

ankurindia said...

its nice movie