Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Words of Wisdom

Let me give you some background: there's a recent movement in the church called the Confessing Church movement. This is primarially a conservative group of folks whose main goal would be to create a checklist of beliefs one has to attest in order to be a United Methodist. (I'm sure some of those beliefs would be "I am not an Illegal Immigrant" or "I do not love those in my own gender").

The words "Confessing Church" come from Karl Barth (that's Bart, for those who haven't been or it's been 30 years since you were in seminary). So, here are some important words from the man from whom this movement took its name.

"Since God became incarnate is Jesus, and every human being is, by definition, related to Jesus of Nazareth, therefore, every human being is related to God Incarnate and should be treated as such"

Can you imagine a city, a church, a world where every person was treated by every other person as God's blessed and beloved child? I'm sad to say that I almost can't imagine such a place. In a world where some people are still treated as less than people, let alone part of the divine family, it's hard to imagine what this place would be like is we actually took the foremost theologian of the past 100 years at his word and put that word into action.

The next time I get cut off or stuck behind someone on 71, the next time a waiter gets my order wrong, the next time a fellow student raises their hand to make a statement and not ask a question, I'm gonna try and remember that they too are a child of God, a relative of Jesus, and should be treated as such.



Anonymous said...

Do you really have to treat seminary students that raise their hands to make statements instead of questions like a member of Jesus' family? I suppose you're right...


Adam said...

Hey dude. Good entry, a little on the serious side eh?

Got your message about Ryan's number, I am in the same boat as far as contacting him. I did however talk to Scotty and he's gonna get me in touch with Ryan so i can get him in touch with your pops, the big JB. Peace man

Adam Caldwell said...

Scotty Don't

Anonymous said...

OK, it's been 30 years since I have been in seminary, but I recognize grace when I see it. To recognize and treat each and every person as if they were a part of God's beloved community and one for whom Christ died, that's the vision of a church filled with the power of Christ's grace. Hey, Mustoeman, your picture sure looks good hanging in our bedroom downstairs. JB

Anonymous said...

I thought that raising one's hand and making a comment in class was called "discussion" and often I was able to learn something from the "discusser". It's when they start preaching that it is annoying. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. And what does Adam Caldwell's comment mean? cb