Monday, February 06, 2006

I've been tagged.

Ya know, tag is being banned all over KC because it's too violent. Can you imaging a playground without tag? How else will popular kids learn that they're better than everyone else? How else will fat kids learn that they're slower than everybody else? How else will the smelly kid learn that noone wants to touch him/her, even in tag? Anyway, here goes.

Four jobs that I've had:
(all in one year)
Central Methodist College Resident Assistant
Pizza Hut cook and delivery driver extrodinaire
Daytime cafe/personal trainer @ THE ZOOONNNNEEEE!!!!!
Pastor, St. Paul United Methodist Church

Four movies I could watch over and over:
Kill Bill vol. 1

Four TV shows I love to watch:
Family Guy
The Sheild
The 700 Club (for material only)

Four places I've lived:
Springfield, MO
Fayette, MO
Kansas City, MO
England, United Kingdom

Four places I've visited on vacation:
(much much more than four but these are my favorites)
Banff National Park, Canada
Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado
Rafting down the Grand Canyon with Dad
Neurschwanstein Castle, Germany

Four Websites I visit daily:
and, um, hotmail, i guess

Four restaurants:
Hong Kong Inn, Springfield, MO
Mexican Villa, Springfield, MO
Shakespeare Pizza, Columbia, MO
Smokestack BBQ, Kansas City, MO

Four places I'd rather be (or things I'd rather be doing):
Our Lake house
Behind a drumset
On the radio

Four things that make me mad (nice addition Mr. Mustoe):
When people ride in a bench seat and the girl is sitting right next to the guy.
Hands free cell phone people.
Pat Robertson.
People who don't update their blogs. (just kidding)

I too am adding one that I can't believe no one has added already

Four CD's that I will never tire of listening too:
Led Zeppelin 4
Pantera- Cowboys from Hell
Failure-Fantastic Planet
Pearl Jam- Ten

And, in an interest to stop the violence, I am not tagging anyone.



Adam said...

Dude, I haden't thought about THE ZOOOOOOOONE in forever, thats so great. Had a good laugh. Excellent post....were you serious about the tag thing? No tag? Wow. Next, they'll be no mocking people.

Adam Caldwell said...

I hear that leap frog is slowly making a come back since the fall of tag...might be a rumor though.

Anonymous said...

Do you remember the other two places where you have lived? On the radio? You mean as a dj or something? cb

Anonymous said...

Hey, what happened to Braveheart, Usual Suspects and Shawshank Redemption? I agree with the Grand Canyon rafting. Very cool. Let's go again. I have no idea about the movies or CD's you list. Never heard of them. Maybe Simon and Garfunkel would top my list. dad

Adam Caldwell said...

Feb. is now the 15th

I love you! You missed a rippen show, how was the Robert Randolph?