Friday, January 27, 2006

Welcome to the Machine

Hello friends and neighbors,
Most of you know my thoughts on today's music scene. For those who don't, I think it sucks.
We're going through some sort of weird 80's electronic synth phase that I just don't get. We tried that, it failed, why are we doing it again? Bands like the Killers (the only band that does it pretty well), Yellowcard, Fall Out boy, all last years big breakthrough bands have keyboards at the forefront. So, going historically, i guess we have to suffer through another wave of horrible, blond haired LA spandex bands, before we get to the good stuff again, that will only last for a few years before the golden boy kills himself for being popular and rich. Sorry for the run-on, but nobody wants to see another Poison.

So, I went back. With my recent iPod issues, I lost some of the music I had. I went out the other day and bought three albums that EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN THE WORLD should own.
Dark Side of the Moon, Wish You Were Here, and The Wall, from Pink Floyd. If you haven't heard these albums in a while, get them back out, or go buy the digitally remastered versions, or if you're a casual fan, go buy the greatest hits collection. I think it's very sad that music made thirty years ago is better and more progressive than anything that's out there today. The genius song writing of Roger Waters, the haunting (and actucally creative) keyboards of Nick Mason, the beautifully simple drumming of Dave Wright, and the greatest guitar tone of all time, David Gilmore. Well, a tie for first with Brian May of Queen. Unbelievable, groundbreaking and intoxicating music.

What bands nowadays are doing, seeing which era they can most sound like, The Stokes and Jet (the 60s), Maroon 5 (the 70s), Modest Mouse, The Killers, Panic at the Disco (the 80s), is completely inept. Someone needs to take music forward not back.

But until then, we've got to back to find descent music to listen to. So, for the good of the world, here's ten albums that every person in the world should own:

1. The Beatles-Let it Be
2. Led Zeppelin-Four, or ZOSO, or Self-titled
3. Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon
4. Jimi Hendrix- Are You Experienced?
5. Van Halen-1984
6. Michael Jackson- Thriller
7. The Rolling Stones- (the one with Sympathy for the Devil)
8. The Clash- London Calling
9. Pearl Jam- Ten
10. U2- Joshua Tree

And, just so you don't think all is lost, there is some hope out there:
U2-How to dismantle an atomic bomb
The Killers-Hot Fuss (they do their thing very well)
Queens of the Stone Age-Lullabies to Paralize
Jack Johnson- In Between Dreams (Jack doesn't change much but he lives in Hawaii, you can't really blame him)
A Mars Volta- Frances the Mute

Just a few bands that i think are doing it right and taking rock music in a direction it needs to go.

Happy Listening, your resident music snob, Brad


Adam said...

The Beatles, U2?! B, i'm so proud. Although, I would say Revolver or Abbey Road is a better album. Let It Be was initially scrapped but then some tapes were given to Phil Spector who put all the string section junk in there.

The problem with Fall Out Boy is that they're so freaking catchy. I dunno if they have a keyboard player though....

Good selections.

Brad said...

thanks for the comment musty must.
I don't know either, but Fall Out Boy takes advantage of all those produced, boxed up sounds, which is almost the same thing. Thanks for your Beatles expertise which you know I don't have. But, correct if I'm wrong, Let It Be is one of the greatest songs ever written and should be owned!!

whispering words of wisdom, Brad

Andy B. said...

Digging all the groovy U2 props, word up.

Anonymous said...

What?! No Barry Manilow? No John Denver? No Charles Wesley? And you call yourself a musician. Where did I go wrong? dad

Adam said...

it was good seeing you this weekend man. i'll keep you posted on the trip to LA (sounds cooler when you say it like that, plus I can't really spell Louisianna)

Anonymous said...

If you want Let It Be as it was originally intended, Let It Be Naked came out a couple of years ago and did away with all the Phil Spector crap.


Adam Caldwell said...


I thought you were talking about going to Cali for the Price is Right. Is that still on?


Your a punk for leaving after communion yesterday morning! I wish I had done it...shoot I wish I had left before the message.

We need to go to that MuteMath concert...No joke.

Pappa Bryan,

I have you sleeping bags. I will get them back to you...I promise. Thanks for letting us use them.