Monday, October 31, 2005

Ranting Explanation

Ok, I should explain. I don't know anything about Jews for Jesus. I don't know any Jews for Jesus. I was simply responding to the feelings expressed by a Jewish woman I had talked to earlier that day. I'm sure Jews for Jesus are wonderful people and experience deep faith connections. I apologize for ranting before I had any info. However, where I stand right now, with the knowledge I have....I really don't get it!



geoffrobinson said...

They are Jewish people who believe Jesus is the Messiah as prophecied in the Tanakh (the Jewish Scriptures). I'm friends with many of them in that organization and more generically (Jews who believe in Jesus and aren't members of that particular organization). They hear much worse than what you said.

Brad said...

Thanks, Geoff. Blaim my ranting purely on ignorance and reaction.